When most people think of cruises they likely envision a trip to a location where the sun shines and warmth fills the air. The exception might be an Alaska cruise in the summer, but even that can be a sun filled affair. The odds aren’t great that you’ll see much sun during a cruise of the Pacific Northwest in late April, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful part of North America.
Celebrity Cruises offers up a 7-night Pacific Northwest cruise that begins in San ... [read more]
Author: Bob
Date:February 1st, 2007
Tags: Astoria, California, Celebrity Cruise Ships, Cruise Deals, Monterey, Oregon, Pacific Northwest, San Francisco, Seattle, Travel Deals, USA, Vancouver
Recognized as one of the most livable cities in the United States, Seattle is also one of the nicest to visit. You know Seattle before you visit it. The skyline is world-famous, thanks to Fraiser and the unreplaceable holdover of the 1964 World’s Fair, the Space Needle. The food is fantastic – given its location on the ocean, how could it not be? This large city offers some of the entrepreneurial minds – and creative spirits.
The “Emerald City” is tucked onto a narrow strip of land between Puget Sound to the west and ... [read more]
Author: Miss Julie
Date:December 24th, 2006
Tags: Destinations, Pacific Northwest, Pike Place Market, Puget Sound, Seattle, USA, Vacation Packages, Washington