London, England – Vacation Packages
London, England. As Samuel Johnson famously said, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” But for tired men and women, and their families, a London vacation brings you to an exciting city of rejuvenation (despite that infamous English weather). London is a center of everything the world over, from attractions to restaurants to shopping to culture. It is L.A., New York, Paris only with a British accent.
Visit Buckingham Palace, and try to make those red-coated, fuzzy-hatted guards blink. Ride the millennium attraction, the London Eye. See art and exhibits in museums and galleries, such as the new Tate Modern Art Gallery. Speak your piece in Hyde Park’s famous Speaker’s Corner. Shop in Soho. Flag a black London taxi on Fleet Street. Squeeze into the “Tube” and zip across the Thames, or hop a bright red double-decker bus and ride by the prime minister’s flat on Downing Street. Be a “groundling” at the Globe Theatre, where Shakespeare himself wrote and performed 500 years ago.
From classic theatre productions to Jack the Ripper backalley tours, London is a number one destination for everything fun. Be a part of history, in one of the world’s most modern cities. Experience London, and never be tired of life again.
Why go to London, England?
- Hear Big Ben chime
- See the city from those big red double-decker buses
- Sit on the lions in Trafalgar Square
- More pints the pubs don’t shut at 11 anymore
- The food really has gotten better
- Speak your piece in Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner
- Wave to the Queen at Buckingham Palace
- If you got bored in London, you must be bored with life
- Get sick on the London Eye
- There are some rockin’ shops in Soho
For more on London, check out the London Travel Guide on BootsnAll.