Easter Flights on Sale
You know that Easter is right around the corner when you start seeing Cadbury Creme Eggs in all of the food stores. For 11 months out of the year these tiny little innocent sugar bombs are stored in the back aisles somewhere near the little candy hearts people eat on Valentine’s Day and the Christmas-tree shaped marshmallow candy. These are all foods that have been designed to have a shelf life somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,000 years.
The return of the Cadbury Creme Eggs is a sure sign that spring is near and so is Easter. The Easter season is traditionally one of the busiest travel times of the year with kids off from school and families traveling to see one another. This busyness means that airlines have you at their mercy when it comes to pricing.
If you haven’t secured your Easter travel flight yet, fear not. The welcomed news from the travel industry is that the airlines are in a bit of a pricing war to lure you business. This means that the normally outrageous holiday prices are only mildly outrageous this year. At least that is the case if you act fast and take advantage of the Easter flights on sale.
Enjoy those crème filled eggs. They only come around once a year. What do you think the chocolate laying hens do for the other 11 months?