United: The More you Spend the More you Save on Vacations
An old wise man once told me that the best way to save money is to not spend it. He also died with a pile of money and with few life experiences to show for it. Going by his logic, it might seem like a paradox that the more you spend the more you can save. How can you save more by spending more?
United Vacations shows how this contradiction works:
Save $200 on vacations of $3,600 or more
Save $150 on vacations of $2,500 – $3,599
Save $100 on vacations of $2,000 – $2,499
Save $50 on vacations of $1,200 – $1,999
Of course is you spend $0 you save a whole lot more than you would on this offer, but you wouldn’t get to go to cool places like Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Sitting on the beach sounds a whole lot more fun than staying at home counting your money.
Use promotion code SAVEBIG and book a flight-inclusive package by May 31 and save up to $200 on vacations to: Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, the United States including California, Florida, Hawaii, Las Vegas and more.
United Vacations Super Sale
Save up to $200 to all destinations! Promo Code: SAVEBIG