
Some Handy Gear for Cruises

By Bob | September 22nd, 2006

Picture yourself on a boat floating somewhere in paradise. Perhaps you are sitting by the pool, sipping on a drink and rocking out to Bon Jovi on your iPod. A spontaneous conga line breaks out. This is a cruise, after all, and that sort of thing can happen at any time. While you are dancing with your fellow passengers, your iPod falls off and into the swimming pool. There goes the Bon Jovi. There goes the Wham!. There goes the hours you spent illegally downloading New Kids on the Block while at work. Right?


If you are a smart cruise traveler and anticipate this sort of disaster ahead of time, you’ll have a floating iPod case with you. Your music will be safe, your conga line fun uninterrupted and your vacation will end up more pleasant than a backstage pass to see Quiet Riot.

For more gear that might be useful on your cruise, check out Mighty Mika’s Travel Gear Blog. He’s got your connection to clean water, a keychain that will float right beside your iPod and a fishing pole that is perfect for taking on a cruise.

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