Save up to $325 with Priceline vacation packages
Looking to get away this winter, but not sure you can afford a vacation in these rough economic times? With global markets taking a nose dive and people concerned with the state of their portfolios, booking a vacation package could be a great way to go on vacation and save money. By booking your hotel and flight together, you can save up to $325 and head. With discounts available on Caribbean getaways, family travel, Florida vacations or romantic trips, you have no excuse not to book a vacation package and take that much needed break from it all this year. Save up to $325 on your Vacation Package at priceline!
Pricline has some amazing deals on vacation packages. Plus, with airlines and hotel trying harder than ever to court passengers and guests during the economic crisis, prices just seem to keep getting lower and lowerespecially in luxury destinations like the Caribbean. In fact, you can get $25 to $500 cash-back rebate from Nassau and Paradise Island in the Caribbean at participating hotels. Atlantis on Paradise Island is also offering package deals for flight + 3 nights hotel for as little as $700, making it hard to resist a Caribbean getaway this winter.
For me, life is all about getting away from it all from time to time. In fact, I don’t think I’d function well at work or if life without at least a few small trips each year. Plus, if you find great deals and book packages together, you can afford to get away numerous times despite the shaky economic climate. Sometimes even just a weekend vacation can give you sometime to look forward to, pull you out of a wintertime or work slump and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.