Great deals on packages to Sandals Jamaica Resort
With a 7-mile long white sand beach and a fabulous all-inclusiove resort, there is not a whole lot not to like about a vacation package at Sandlas Negril Beach resort in Jamaica. If your stock portfolio has recently taken a hit, I can also think of no better way to forget the economic crisis and soothe your worries than while relaxing on the beach sipping cocktails (hopefully complete with miniature umbrellas). The market will rebound eventually, so why not take advantage of the super low travel prices right now and take off on a great vacation? Sandals Negril Beach & Spa: Ultra All-Inclusive Resort for couples located on the best stretch of Negril’s 7-mile beach.
Yes, the stock market just experienced its biggest crash since the Great Depression. Yes, the front page of newspapers right now mostly show stressed out Wall Streeters clenching their fists and pulling out their hair. But, if you are like me and don’t have much (or in my case, any) money tied up in the market, than taking advantage of the low travel prices that are out there because of the recent stock market crash is a win-win situation. Even if you do have some money wrapped up in stocks the market is bound to rebound eventually, right? For me, not only did I not lose any money in the crash, I am luckily still employed and the idea of a few days in the Caribbean sounds pretty appealing.
I am also looking for pretty much any excuse to get a little bit of color to last me into the winter months and a reason to get away from the inundation of political ads on television. I already know who I’m voting for, so I’d just assume get this whole election thing out of the way. If I could send my absentee ballot in now and head to the Caribbean until November 4, that would be a-ok with me.