Cheap Southwest vacation packages
With 2008 coming to a close, booking a great vacation for 2009 could be the perfect way to start looking forward to the new year. Especially with travel prices especially low this season in light of the struggling economy, now is actually the perfect time to get some fantastic deals on packages to just about anywhere. In fact, Southwest is offering some great deals on vacations everywhere from Vegas to Orlando to San Diego, where you can book the perfect family getaway, romantic honeymoon or bachelor’s weekend for less than you thought possible.
With cheap hotels and cheap tickets aplenty, no matter where you’d like to head this next year (whether it be a fab vacation on the Vegas trip or to the Windy City after booking a room in one of the great Chicago hotels), your options are wide open. And, for those of us who still have a job in light of the economy, what better way to celebrate being gainfully employed than a fantastic vacation?
Those headed to Vegas, will be amazed on all of the low prices on Las Vegas show tickets. Plus, with all the money you saved on airfare and hotel, the more you’ll have leftover for shows, gambling and getting in troublejust make sure what happens in Vegas actually stays there.