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Free Flight Status Alerts through Google SMS

sms-eng.jpgI am not even going to pretend to know what this means, but for those in the audience who are tech savvy and tied to a handheld device I imagine that your heart is going to go all aflutter when you read this:

Press Release

Recent weather conditions have left airline passengers stranded for hours, and according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, almost one in four flights arrived late in 2006.

Now, Google SMS offers users real-time flight status and airline information, using data from No more rushing to the airport, only to find a flight delayed. No more driving in circles, waiting for a friend to arrive.

Users simply text the airline name and flight number to shortcode 466453 (‘GOOGLE’ on most phones), and the status information will be sent to their mobile device. They can also text a specific airline name, and Google will send back the main number for that airline.

This is available for flights departing or arriving in the United States, and it is free from Google, though standard carrier rates for sending and receiving text messages still apply. Users can try it online at

Google SMS is a service that enables users to search for information with Google from a mobile device, and returns the search results as text messages. With Google SMS, users can get local listings, movie showtimes, weather, facts, dictionary definitions, product prices, and more, all on their mobile devices.

Save up to $200 Off Rome Vacation Packages

rome_hbo.jpgIf you do a Google search for Rome the first thing that comes up is a television series on HBO by that very name. How did a show that has only been around for a couple of years beat out a city that has been inhabited since around the 8th Century BC? The whole thing about Rome not being built in a day doesn’t apply to the Internet apparently. A couple of years is equal to a day when you are talking about development over centuries.

The deal for today has nothing to do with HBO, although I suppose if you are lucky you can pick it up at one of the hotels in Rome. This is a deal that will save you $200 on a flight and hotel stay in the Italian capital.

Book a 6+ night flight + hotel vacation package to Europe and save $200 instantly with promotion code CHEAPEUROPE200. Book a 3+ night hotel stay in Europe and save $100 instantly with promotion code CHEAPEUROPE100. Book by April 22 for travel between March 19 and December 31, 2007.

To take advantage of this deal, head on over to Cheap Tickets right now.

Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Weekends

services_bachelorette.jpgForget love and a lifetime of happiness. The real reason to get married is so that you can have a bachelor or bacherlorette party. You can gather all your friends in one place, do things that you would normally never dream of doing and party one last time before you settle into a lifetime of marital bliss.

Ok, so the marital bliss stuff does trump a weekend of fun, but nevertheless a bachelor or bachelorette party is a rite of passage in many parts. What better way to celebrate than to get away for a few days? You can gather the troops at a spa, get in some rounds of golf or simply party like there is no tomorrow.

Hotel Planner has some deals on bachelor and bachelorette party weekends in places like Palm Springs, Montreal and the ever popular Las Vegas. These are short little junkets that will allow you to have some fun before the big day and to get you geared up for the real reason you are getting married: the honeymoon.

Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Weekends

All the Cool Kids are flying to London for $349 Round-Trip

joe-cool.jpgIf you were in London this very second check out all the cool things you could be doing. If you are in London this very second, what the hell are you doing reading this blog? Go out and enjoy life already. You live in one of the coolest places on this planet. Go be cool.

For the rest of you, if you want to be cool too and hang out with all the cool kids in London, now is the time of year to get your cool on. Round trip tickets are as cheap as they are going to be for a long, long time. American Airlines will fly you from New York City to London for a mere $349. That is how much I paid to fly to Omaha once and no offense to anyone in Omaha who is reading this (unlike people in London you are excused in you are in Omaha and reading this), but Omaha ain’t exactly London when it comes to excitement.

The catch when it comes to flights to London is that you can’t fly during the holidays or the busy summer months to get the deal. This offer is only good for outbound travel by May 17, 2007 and return travel by June 16, 2007.

Great Escape: Vacation Packages from Marriott

marriott-resort.jpgAs a cheap travel type of guy, I generally have very little loyalty. I don’t care which airline I fly as long as it saves me money. I don’t care how fancy the accommodations are as long as they are within my price range. I don’t care who rents me my rental car as long as it runs and doesn’t have a used baby diaper in the backseat when I pick it up (long story, best told at a later date). In short, I am the type of person that brand marketing folks hate.

That said, I do associate certain brands with good memories and if those brands happen to fit within my price range I may seek them out and supply them with my business. One of those brands is Marriott. My parents used to stay in them when I was little and as a result I got to sleep on many a Marriott folding bed when I was in my formative years. I think I also still have Marriott swimming pool water in my ears.

All in all, Marriott hotels and resorts do a fairly good job of providing comfort to the traveler. If you go to the Marriot Web site, you will also find that they have some vacation packages that are designed to help you escape whether you are escaping with the kids, from the kids, to play golf or to soak up some relaxation at a spa.

Great Getaways for less at Marriott